Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation Teacher Training 04/20 - 05/02/2020
Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation Teacher Training 04/20 - 05/02/2020
05/02 - 05/14 2020
Master Trainer: Domini Anne
Total cost including studio fee: $2000
Deposit $350
The Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation training is the second and most intensive segment of the 4 part Gyrotonic teacher training curriculum. In this 12 day course, you learn to teach the entire Level 1 Gyrotonic curriculum, understanding the material not only for your body, but how it applies to others.
Upon successful completion of this course, students become licensed Gyrotonic apprentice trainers and are free to take on students, building their business as they log their apprentice hours and continue on towards certification.
Total Cost: $2000
( $1500 base fee, $500 administrative/studio fee)
deposit: $350
“The ultimate aim is to be at home in ones body, free of pain, unrestricted and uninhibited and to be one with the nature of oneself, to be total and fulfilled” - Juliu Horvath
Click here to complete your registration
The Gyrotonic Level 1 Foundation Teacher Training is the second in four modules that make up a complete Level 1 certification.
During this program, students will be taught to apply the entire Gyrotonic Level 1 program both as a workout for their own bodies and as trainers.
Components include:
Gyrotonic Level 1 Exercise Curriculum
Equipment Set Up
Therapeutic Modifications
Study of Moving Alignment and Anatomy
Anatomical Cues
Cueing Rhythm and Breath
Exercise Sequencing
Space is limited to 6 students. Your reservation is confirmed upon receipt of the non-refundable $350 deposit, payable through Venmo or by check